Sunday, November 30, 2008

Talent Pool - Ola Egbowon

Ola Egbowon

A Nigerian born singer generally known as OLA! who spent most of his younger days both directing and singing in various choirs, found his way to Austria to continue his exploration into SOUL MUSIC . He is presently working with the choir in his church (Jesus House) where he worships with Hubert Tubbs who is the greatest vocalist of our time and one of the most present influences in his music.

" TRIBUTE TO SOUL LEGENDS", currently on tour, is an appreciation to MAJOR influences in his life. The tribute band features world class musicians and vocalists, who with a tiny amount of alteration, deliver these Timeless Tunes to the listening pleasure of "Motown Lovers" and at the same time make it appealling to newer generations.

He has had the opportunity to work with high ranking musicians in the Austrian scene, and hopes over time to meet the great music talents of our time. He looks forward to reaching new levels in the years to come and his main objective is to move people's understanding and change a lot of misconception of our time through music.


Talent Pool - Glen Sweeney

Glen Sweeney

A professional photographer since 1969, Glen has travelled extensively in his career. Over the years, whilst working for others, he developed his own style of image making, producing pictures that touched his soul, and hence those of others.
Find out if his work touches your soul, by viewing his gallery

Talent Pool - Joe Garcia

Joe Garcia

wurde in New York, im Bezirk Harlem geboren und entdeckte seine Fähigkeit zu Singen während seiner Arbeit als Konzert Tänzer mit der Alvin Ailey Tanzcompany. Er entschied sich an der Houston Grand Opera Production SHOWBOAT vorzusingen und bekam seinen ersten Vertrag am Broadway.

Danach wurde er Prof. Ronald Hedlund (Prof. an der Universität Illinois) vorgestellt. Prof. Hedlund arrangierte für Joseph Garcia, nachdem er den Wettbewerb gewonnen hatte, ein Stipendium an der Universität Illinos.

Zwei Jahre später wurde er für das San Francisco Merola Programm ausgewählt. Vier Monate später bekam er die Rolle des Komptur in der SFO Turing Produktion von DON GIOVANNI.
Danach kehrte er nach New York zurück und erhielt ein weiteres Stipendium für das American Opera Center im Julliard Conservatory.

Während seines Aufenthaltes begann er mit Mr Peter Sellers an einer neuen Produktion von DON GIOVANNI als Komptur zu arbeiten. Diese Produktion war sehr erfolgreich.
Darauf sang er für die Metropolitan Opera Competition vor und erhielt den Preis als New York Regional Finalist. Kurze Zeit später sang er diverse Rollen wie SARASTRO, SPARAFUCILE, FERRANDO, RAMPHIS etc. in Canada und den USA.

Drei Jahre später bekam er einen Festvertrag an der Frankfurter Oper für ein Jahr. Während eines Aufenthaltes in Frankfurt sang er unter anderem MASETTO. Zu dieser Zeit wurde er vom Theatro Communale di Bologna eingeladen um die Rolle des Grand Inquisitor in DON CARLOS mit Ruggiero Raimondi und Renato Bruson. Er wurde für ein weiteres Jahr für dieselbe Rolle in der nächsten Produktion verpflichtet. Gleich danach lud man ihn ein TOM in der Oper MASKENBALL mit Luciano Pavarotti zu singen.

Joseph Garcia arbeitete als Konzertsänger in der Carnegie Hall und als Bass Solist im Verdi Requiem.

In Paris trat er als Bass Solist in Rossini Stabat Mater auf.

Friday, November 28, 2008

ViennaHub Social 2.12 - " The Art of Possibility"

Dear Friends, old and new,

'Tis the season of merriment and goodwill, and I hope you will join us for some fun on the 2nd December, one of the themes being "the art of possibility" from the book by the same name .

Is it possible that intent has so much power? is this what creates self fulfilling prophecies or fulfils the law of attraction. I havent read this book yet, but it was on a list of 3 from a friend, and I plan to have a look soon now

Is it possible that John can really fund a school in Africa based on his intent and project Austria for Africa. Go along to his event on 11th December and find out. lend your support!

Is it possible that the OPERATWINS can change the way the world views opera, bridging across cultures, geographies and ages. Is it possible they could become a globally recognised brand within 12 months from this event?

Is it possible that Barack Obama could raise $150 million through his internet campaign in September. ( Ah yes, he did! ) Is it possible the world has moved from "time for change" to "change is here!" How can we embrace it ? Is it possible that a Vienna based not-for-profit can raise €19 million by 31.12.2008 and spend it all on books-for-kids around the world?

Is it possible to hold a fund-raising concert on a 77m high building in Vienna to celebrate the launch of Istanbul's year as European Capital of Culture, followed by a concert in Istanbul on a bridge between Europe and Asia?

Is it possible that a mere stick can be the most popular toy of all time? Or should it be The Mödling Stick ?

Is it possible that Maslow's 1943 theory of motivation / hierachy of needs is upside down and creates a bad visual that doesnt lead people to maximise their happiness? What if it was tweaked so that it changed peoples outlook on life ? What would that mean to you ?

Is it possible for YOU and your friends to come along on 2.12, and see whats possible for you ? We have a line up of some of the most passionate, creative and energised people you could hope to meet. Waiting to make you smile :-)

nige, chief happiness officer,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Talent Pool - Opera Twins


perhaps the only pair of twins singing opera in the world, the opera twins bring a unique style and flair with their on stage presence, their dazzling performance and their stunning voices. with an almost magical quality on stage, they sing as if from one soul, with two voices and a shared emotion - an effect that cannot be mirrored by other singing pairs.

with a wide range of experience around the globe, specifically in USA, Germany and Turkey, their current plans include a tour of the Dubai region, further work in Turkey, and the development of their roles as Happiness Ambassadors for Vienna-Hub with a series of events to raise money for good causes and promote opera among young people.

they can be seen appearing here :-

3.4.2009 Istanbul

28.12 Cem Adrian - Sinem & Didem Balık - Sophie Serafino Disko Kralı Canlı Performans

14.12 - um 15.00 Uhr , im großen Saal des Amtshauses 3. Bezirk

in Interview, December 4th 2008 at Turkish Embassy Vienna

OPERATWINS Interview from nigel stonham on Vimeo

their demo CD will also be avalable soon - "Bridges - Vienna"

to hear them right now - Carmen Gypsy Songs Cole Porter
and ... R.Stolz Venus in Seide Spiel auf deiner Geige:-

Saturday, November 08, 2008

4001 words about Guy Fawkes Night!


Monday, November 03, 2008

Vienna-Hub Social, 4.11 - Whats it all about?

Vienna-Hub Social, 4.11 - Whats it all about?

Last time they asked me for a few words but I wasnt prepared, so this time I thought I would prepare etwas kurz.

Welcome first of all, to all of you and thanks for coming. Last time a few people asked "whats the catch," "why are you doing this" "whats it all about " - so this time I want to try and explain my vision for Vienna-Hub, the "hidden agenda".

I was at tthe globalCSR event on 27th, and someone asked - "when does ethical business that makes good business sense and a profit cease to be ethical business..... ?" Similiar with me, "when does having fun and making people happy, with a purpose, cease to be just fun?" Well for me, my fun really accelerated when I left corporate america and started out on my own, even though that sometimes isnt easy.

So whats my plan? Whats it all about?

It's about building networks and communities to connect people with passion.

It's about organising and running events like this that create value, and bring more fun into life, especially mine, my friends, and my son and his friends.

It's about a mentoring program to help people find and follow their passion, and to help them become more successful sooner . My role here tonight is a bit like I see my role as a father, as a facilitator. To introduce him to new things and to people with passion, to take care of him and keep him out of danger, and to keep one step ahead of him so that he never, ever, says "daad, i'm boooored!"

So, since we normally only have one life, we should try and make the most of it. I want to help you to find and follow your passion, to achieve success as you define it, and most of all to help you enjoy life and to be happier, starting right NOW !

So please, take your places at your first table here, and start "socialising", as if your life depends on it!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Guy Fawkes Night - 8th November in Mödling

Guy Fawkes Night ( click here for information sheet with MP3 soundtrack )

meet around 3 to 4pm at the posthof ( map ) to collect the guy from puppentheater and push it round and up through town, collecting a few coppers in the bucket and more spectators !?!

field opposite Bockerl "opens" at 5, with football and frisbee and rugby on offer. have a run around to burn off steam for the early birds and people helping build fire and put up tents, open beers and eat burgers.

around 5.30, braziers to be lit for toasting marshmallows etc

andre is running a proper burger and fish stall, with catering for approx 50 planned,
and we will get some crates of bottled beer in, plus iced tea etc. the plan is now to keep the entire night outside ( tent coverage in case very severe inclement weather. ) please dont be put off by reports of some rain. British and proud of it, there is no such thing as bad weather, merely bad clothing.

bonfire to be lit around 5.40, fireworks about 6.15 ish, bring a blanket , a seat, an umbrella ( and a guitar and a songbook !) for a singsong around the embers as they die down

fire, police and rettung already informed as the venue is officially booked this year - and we will invite some to attend for goodwill, we are seeking support from mayor, sponsors, and attendees

FIRE STATION - will probably be earlier in day ( iff on same day), to avoid conflict with fun and games starting at posthof and fireplace ( perhaps better in the spring when its warmer ? )

registration on XING helpful , or by email to nigel(at) please. also nigel if you have any questions.