Saturday, May 11, 2024

People with Passion - Peter George


Title:  Empower Sierra Leonean Children: Providing Safe and Sustainable Education

The Challenge:

In Sierra Leone, over 3.7 million children face the harsh reality of limited access to electricity, impeding not only their education but also jeopardizing their safety. Young pupils, especially girls, endure long, hazardous journeys to school and study in unsafe places during night and day, exposing them to gender-based violence and the risk of teenage pregnancy. The lack of suitable materials to protect their educational resources often results in damage, particularly during the rainy season. Students perform poorly in school and public examinations, contributing to a very large number of young people dropping out of school which leads a lot of girls into prostitution, especially those residing   in rural areas.

Due to the lack of access to adequate electricity   and a safe and conducive learning environment, people living in rural areas are the most affected. Sierra Leone is a country where 75% of our population lives below $1 a day, making it challenging for everyone to afford lights and bags for their kids to study and go to school with. As a result, 60% of kids going to school use plastic bags to carry their learning materials, which often get spoiled. The use of candles for study poses safety risks for students. This problem is prevalent in regions like Sierra Leone, where reliance on candles for nighttime studies has repeatedly led to fire hazards which is affecting over 2.3 Million household.


The Solution:

Our team has tirelessly developed an innovative solution to address these pressing challenges: the Alarming Solar Powered Backpack. Crafted  using locally sourced materials, this backpack integrates a dual-charging system, ensuring  reliable power even in regions with minimal sunlight.


Safety First:

One of the most critical features of our backpack is its integrated alarm system. Positioned discreetly on the back of the bag, this alarm activates immediately in case of an emergency. With just a touch of a button, parents receive a notification via voice text message, enabling swift assistance. This waterproof device can be easily paired with parents or siblings, ensuring punctual attendance and providing peace of mind to families.


Impact Beyond Borders:

Beyond illuminating the path to education, by providing students with a safe and sustainable means to access education, we aim to not only improve academic performance but also combat societal issues like teenage pregnancy and gender-based violence. Our solution breaks the cycle of poverty and vulnerability, envisioning a future where every child can excel academically and uplift their community.



Beyond addressing immediate challenges, our initiative promotes sustainability through solar technology. By reducing reliance on hazardous alternatives like candles, we safeguard communities from fire outbreaks and empower individuals, especially youth, to embrace education and entrepreneurship. Our backpack is designed to be user-friendly for all, including individuals with disabilities, and built to withstand the rigors of daily use.


Join Us:

Your support can make a tangible difference in the lives of Sierra Leonean children. Together, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn safely and thrive academically. Join us in transforming communities and building a brighter future for generations to come.



Thanks for your support.

Peter George


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