Monday, November 03, 2008

Vienna-Hub Social, 4.11 - Whats it all about?

Vienna-Hub Social, 4.11 - Whats it all about?

Last time they asked me for a few words but I wasnt prepared, so this time I thought I would prepare etwas kurz.

Welcome first of all, to all of you and thanks for coming. Last time a few people asked "whats the catch," "why are you doing this" "whats it all about " - so this time I want to try and explain my vision for Vienna-Hub, the "hidden agenda".

I was at tthe globalCSR event on 27th, and someone asked - "when does ethical business that makes good business sense and a profit cease to be ethical business..... ?" Similiar with me, "when does having fun and making people happy, with a purpose, cease to be just fun?" Well for me, my fun really accelerated when I left corporate america and started out on my own, even though that sometimes isnt easy.

So whats my plan? Whats it all about?

It's about building networks and communities to connect people with passion.

It's about organising and running events like this that create value, and bring more fun into life, especially mine, my friends, and my son and his friends.

It's about a mentoring program to help people find and follow their passion, and to help them become more successful sooner . My role here tonight is a bit like I see my role as a father, as a facilitator. To introduce him to new things and to people with passion, to take care of him and keep him out of danger, and to keep one step ahead of him so that he never, ever, says "daad, i'm boooored!"

So, since we normally only have one life, we should try and make the most of it. I want to help you to find and follow your passion, to achieve success as you define it, and most of all to help you enjoy life and to be happier, starting right NOW !

So please, take your places at your first table here, and start "socialising", as if your life depends on it!


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