Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A + B = C , where C equals Creativity

viennahub is proud to announce the management of two major
international artists, petronilla hohenwARTer and brian lee

we are working on a residency placement ( including studio space ) for each in vienna or region, and associated exhibitions

we are seeking storage in Vienna for their collections, in order to base their work here for local shows and workshops

we are launching A + B = C which is a workshop series where the artist hosts a small group and discusses the artistic impluses behind their passion

if you can help with residency, exhibitions, or storage; or are
interested in creativity workshops with your staff or customers,
please get in touch

Vienna Hub in Opera.com magazine ...

along with an interview with the Opera Twins, this may well appear :-

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mödling UnLimited.

an organisation of local people with passion to make Mödling an even better place for the people who live there and the people who visit :-)

a commercially focussed group, with roles such as chief happiness officer, director of fun , and a non political, non religous structure, with a "can do " attitude :-)

all ideas welcome...:-)

suggestion box - nigelstonham (at ) gmail.com

community group on Xing here

Monday, July 06, 2009

Vienna Hub - English Days - 1st Aug & 5th Sept ( and following First Saturday's)

first saturday in august and september, 1.8 and 5.9
then 3.10, 7.11, 5.12, and in 2010 - 2.1, 6.2, 6.3, 3.4 etc

"bathe the city in English events"

latest news for 1st August :-

karaoke, "singstar" planned for 1st August with Jo ( guest appearances by international singers .... )

creative & artistic workshop with "Mödling Sticks" with Petronilla

art with Brian


other ideas for the days:-

soundwalks - david
mr men reading - cat and joe
vienna theatre group, plays - joanna
guitar - gary
danny and gerry -
traditional board games -
kids books and toys flohmarket -
teddy bears picnic -
punch and judy , puppentheatre,
TV reruns on DVDs and screens
english films on open air, notting hill, 4 weddings, lion king, bugs life ( adults and kids)
art by brian lee, with
discussion groups
creative workshop , jon
round table, people with passion, jon sass, petronilla, gary, christiana etc
pillow fight in redbox !
concerts -

- more very welcome....
contact nigel
at "Mödling UnLimited !!"

cooperations partner ideas....
vodaphone, british airways, skyeurope, ryanair, monsoon, castrol, BP, astra zeneca,

venues:- mautswirhaus, redbox, musicschule, schools, puppentheatre, etc etc

Vienna Hub Social - July 7th - Tel Aviv Beach

18:30 to 20:30 and beyond

Tel Aviv Beach , Donau Kanal

19:00 opening, Nigel - Chief Happiness Officer, Vienna Hub
- Art - Petronilla
- Business - Mark
- (tbc) Education - Tristan or Mark
- (tbc) Sport - Wolfgang or Frank

19:15 open networking around above table hosts

open end.....

Friday, July 03, 2009

Vienna Hub News & Events....

coming .... Mark Tuttle Art Showing in Vienna...

5.9 - Vienna Hub English Days Mödling
1.9 - Vienna Hub Social ....
4.8 - Vienna Hub Social ....
1.8 - Vienna Hub English Days Mödling
28-29-30.8 International Barcamp Mödling
8.7 - Vienna Hub Finissage in Perchtoldsdorf - Petronilla HohenwARTer
7.7 - Vienna Hub Social at tel aviv beach xing facebook
3.7 - Vienna Hub starts blogging on be24.at

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Finissage - Petronilla - July 8th 2009

website Petronilla HohenwARTer

registration:- xing facebook

an event from viennahub.com