Monday, December 09, 2019

“Snakes and Ladders”.

" Back in the high-time of board games, one rather famous one was called “Snakes and Ladders”. The rules are simple: Square by square, you dice your way up to the finish line. If you step on a snake square, you slide down a few rows, but if you’re lucky and step on a ladder square, you get to skip ahead and leave your fellow players far behind you.
Those helpful ladders exist in the real world, too. The budding startup scene in Iraq has found one of them in the shape of the Programme Designers’ Lab (PDL). It invited a delegation of leaders of incubators, accelerators and startup-spaces to Germany for a week full of workshops, insights and trainings." -
perhaps they can come to vienna too.. or perhaps, as i am thinking of, we can get some GREAT British founders and potential founders here like that, and do a reverse trip with a group of Austrian residents to UK...

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