Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Where there is Will, there's a Way

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Regus - room with 12 people, discussion afterwards ... abs, bca, abc .... Josef .... Ossiri..  Emir

SMART Academy... FFF, TLS, Don Bosco Haus...

getting youth to vote... awareness of the issues.....

I havent organised a watch party yet, how does that work ?  Tomrrow is Friday, for the future...

If you haven’t watched this .... then watch. My son Louis narrating this climate change film. He studied medicine, then switched to Zoology, now he is a hip-hop performer and musician. What a great combination to communicate this climate change crisis to his generation ! I think we need someone like him
Louis VI
The World is (Y)Ours - a short film produced by Pocc, which looks at climate change from the perspective of black and brown people in Britain. The film, directe...
See more
Watch together with friends or with a group


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