Tuesday, December 03, 2019

SMART Cafe DEnglish

As you know I am currently volunteering with SMART Academy to support with Marketing and Sales activity
We are running a Cafe DEnglish event there on Thursdays from 4.30 to 5.20 pm - facilitated speed tandem, English and German CV reviews to build fluency and confidence for that all important first, or next, job interview.
Since SMART is mostly non Austrians, and they are learning German as fast as they can, we are seeking a few more Austrians to support this event so we can reach the ideal of one to one talking for 50 minutes with natives, doing 5 CV discussions with 5 different Austrians or German native speakers... please come along, it will be fun.
ps as there is an IT course running and we are arranging IT company talks in English we are also seeking some more native English speakers to support the English training actions..
Cafe DEnglish runs well with multiples of two, so could be 6 learning English from 6 English Natives and 6 learning German from German Natives..... plus or minus....
as Douglas said, come along and find out ....
26th Dec - check for details

technology supported learning :- with Lingophant

76 members
The energy is flowing towards SMART Academy in 3rd district right now... with intention to have a 40 minute weekly group meeting there .... 4 x 10 minutes to review your CV in English or German with others asking questions, as a wayy to get to know people, and also to practice for job interviews.. for first job in Austria or for career development....  watch this space ....



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