Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Startup Funding

I have recently been approached by an organisation that works to find funding for tech startups in Austria, and I am interested to see if I can find and screen 20 ideas hoping for success, with the plan to deliver two of them forward to achieve funding.

Involved in the Austrian startup scene Since 1999, I have heard it said that money is hard to find in Austria, while I have always maintained that a good plan will find funding. I have added that most plans dont deserve funding, so perhaps the difficulty of finding funding in Austria is more of a reality thing, that rather than funding 20 ideas hoping for one success, perhaps here funders aim to fund 2 for one or two successes. Just perhaps

So what makes a good plan, in my opinion, and how might Vienna Hub - conncting people with passion" -  help find funding for good plans?

A People -  list the linked in profiles of the Team. - they are your "most important asset". ( I got that quote from 11 years in Partner Management at IBM. )

B. Outline the concept... selling what to whom for how much and at what cost, and outlining the  unique benefits your solution brings to solve the users problems or  to meet their desires.

C. 5 year revenue outlook, in simple terms, 10 figures,  ie the total income of each year, and the total expense for each year... ( simple reality test and shows growth expectations )

We here / I would be happy to review one page pdf plans showing those three things and I offer to make a comment, with intention to find 2 in 2020 to pass on and by a small part of someone elses success...

Please dont ask for an NDA, so don't offer to share secrets....

and remember why you are here, ( on the planet!),  simply (?)  to

and perhaps by being happy, spread a little happiness to others....

oh, and the bottom line / small print:-

We are looking to arrange a quarterly jury presentation for A. teenagers to practise their YouthStart project presentations and be filmed and B. StartUp projects seeking funding

- if you have projects of interest to present please join the fb group here or write Nigel
- rsvp if interested. Looking for first date in mid 2020.... building to participcation in the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Vienna / November


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