I started Happiness Coaching in 2006 and it has been a joyful journey. I have met many wonderful people and shared miles of smiles , moments of happiness, and perhaps been beyond blissful
I am thankful for all the people I have encountered. The firm friends, the fleeting faces, and the funny family members...
I met Genny online one weekend, when a friend Cat suggested I visit Happy Island. Gennys thought is a place called Happy Island, a kind of mental safe space to retreat to. My space is Happyland, based (partly) on Mr Happy, a aldn where everyone and everything is happy, and by going there one can "catch happiness"
... Austria is Awesome in so many ways not least for me since it has its very own Happyland that I can physically go to, and invite you to come along too.

Julia posted this earlier, and Steve made a lovely ost about friendship, and fitness. I recall our meeting, and working together where on Monday mornings he and others would ask what drugs i was on, to which i replied my own home made ones ( seratonin ) ... Whatever your "drugs" if they support your happiness, and are legal and dont damage you, your health, or others, then enjoy. Steve is ahppier than I have ever known him which I love to see. His posting made me think more of spreading happiness on ths street, and kids seeing more smiling faces, which took me back to the poem above. In order to see more smiles, all you need is to smile at others... That is why I see more smiling faces on eht streets of Vienna and London than someothers. I am smiling, and people react... I seee generally only smiling faces... Of course there are others, but on the street I tend to blend them out. We cannot focus on everything in this day and age. Our energy flows where our focus goes. Mine goes to Happy People, who wish to become Happier..

with this focus, it fuels my own happiness. ...by inviting others less happy into a happier world, i beleieve we all benefit, and will find peace. Our own, and in sum, world peace....
life. BE there, or miss it :-)
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