Saturday, January 18, 2020

2020 Learning Space

Project Goal: Initiate 2020 Learning Spaces in 2020, created from existing resources, to support SDG4 and SDG9 to deliver first steps towards long life wide learning and education to membership communities just a short walk from home.

take best practice models and more
- Gumpendorferstrasse Library
- other places with fast internet, and art on the walls
- Oracle University
etc .

The Learning Street is designed to aggregate content, build a membership model around rooms with art on the walls, fast reliable internet, and seats for 12 learners, and to be able to scale fast

The Learning Street offers space with art and 12 seats for blended learning, all on same topic, or all on their own topics, with water cooler, coffee, resting space ( perhaps bunks for people needing to sleep along the street )

Q1 - Team of 12 and a space in Wien ( see update )
Q2 - 20 teams of 12 and 20 Learning Space locations in Wien
2H -  The 240 people in Wien each initiate and organisae a team of 12 in a remote location ( thier hometown) , and manage those 12 to start a Learning Space in a location they know well, ( in their hometown ) ...

What does The Learning Space offer:-
A variety of edcation and training of value to local people .
.. and a community of learners to provide inspiration and motivation to learn

including, for example:-

and of course, sports:- 



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