Saturday, January 11, 2020

Non-profit hero for SDG1

Non-profit hero for SDG1: Volkshilfe Österreich

The Volkshilfe Österreich charity has been dedicated to fighting poverty and social exclusion since its establishment in 1947.


and the result... Vienna is number one city in the world for quality of life

and yet , 1 in 5 kids is living in poverty....

I do not undestand how they can be heroes.. measured on results... ... (?) apart from the political kudos from being photographed with them... Have they succeeded in the UN SDG goal of zero poverty in Austria ? If we cannot fix it here at home what rights do we have to go elsewhere and "help" ... There is evidently a price associated with fixing this so they are outside the pverty trap. Thats an amount of money. How much ? Where can it be foudn and how can it be distributed to these kids so that we can say "Austria has 5 kids living in poverty", and not one in five kids...


yet happy

as an advicate of Choosing Happiness and being happy in any situation as a happy person, I would like to meet Klara with my ten year old and ask her a few questions... like how happy does she feel she is and what three things does she feel would make her happier ?


from below...

"Fortunately, most people in Austria don't have to ask themselves such questions" 
- yet 1 in 5 kids do and thats awful... !!!!

"at risk of poverty" -  most of us are at risk if we divorce, get thrown out of home or lose our jobs... not clear what that means here... all kids are at risk especially. families can fall apart in a week... or less

"Child poverty has many faces. Klara is 12 years old. She grows up in poverty and is one of almost 300,000 children and young people in Austria who are at risk of poverty. Poverty is more common among children and adolescents than in other social groups. Children and adolescents in households with more than three children, in single-parent households or in households without Austrian citizenship are particularly affected. You can find all the information about child poverty in Austria HERE, but more importantly, SUPPORT THEM HERE.
We asked Tanja Wehsely, the Managing Director of Volkshilfe Wien what motivates them:
"What to do when you are a child in a family that struggles with poverty? Better to save the food money for new shoes and go to school with an empty stomach? Fortunately, most people in Austria don't have to ask themselves such questions. For every fifth child, it is part of its everyday life. We can end child poverty today if we want to!"
Follow the work of this amazing Non-profit organization on their official website.

Join 1MillionStartups to be among other solution makers working towards achieving the #SDG1."


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