Saturday, January 18, 2020

Certified Happiness Coach

Stage One:-
Take the Goal Mapping webinar program about certification offered here  Jan 22nd and get certified in that, ( there is a fee ) so you can guide people to create Happiness Goal Maps to support their "Ten Keys to Happier Living Key" - "Goals to look forward to" - PLEASE register with Brian for the 22nd seminar

Stage Two
in plan - explore it with us here VH CC Happiness - follow us here Vienna Happiness Project  or LinkedIN here

Stage Three
in plan

Vienna Happiness Project on facebook here 

Target Locations for 22nd - See Eventbrite Ticketing here

Ottawa - Stephen at Regus?
Gravesend - Genny at Regus ?
Berlin - with Claudia at Baumhaus
Vienna - with Nigel at Regus Nineteen
London - at Happy with Henry
Vancouver - Charles / ? at Regus ?
Adelaide -  Kymberly at Regus ?
San Francisco - Aymee at Regus ?
Chicago - Edwin at Regus ?
and in companies with Chief Happiness Officers ?
Nasreen - The Saudi Investment Bank ?

why ?

Actively choosing and working towards goals is a major contributor to our happiness. It helps us feel positive about the future and to expect that things are more likely to turn out good than bad

bottom line - during the 22.Jan webinar, idea to have live chat session here in VH CC Welcome to Vienna Hub Creative Circles for q&a and brainstorming....

footnote. targeting to get a Vienna Happiness Officer Chief Happiness Officer appointed and certified in each of 527 cities, and this Goal Mapping Happiness is becoming part of that certification, along with three simple readings:- Mr Happy, Happy City and The Happy Manifesto.

ii Seeking to get a CHO appointed in every school in the 527 cities to follow the programs outlined in the Happiness in Schools toolkit here ( perhaps if you are a school you could download a poster today and hang it in the staff room encouraging teachers to join the webinar 22 January at 20:00 hours Vienna/Austria time and the associated  live chat  here )


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