Saturday, January 18, 2020

How you can become a Certified Goal Mapping Coach
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Would you like to coach people using Goal Mapping?

Goal Mapping Certified Coach at work
I hope you’re enjoying using Goal Mapping. Over the last 25 years, it’s helped lift the lives of over 4 million people around the world. Now YOU can use Goal Mapping to help even more people to achieve their dreams.
On Wednesday 22 January at 7pm UK time (GMT + 1) I will be presenting a special FREE webinar on how you can use the Goal Mapping system face-to-face or online to lift people to their highest potential.
I will explain the simple process of becoming a Certified Goal Mapping Coach and some established coaches will share their experience of using Goal Mapping in their work.
With love and light
Brian Mayne signature
Brian Mayne
Creator of Goal Mapping

“When it comes to helping people create a world-class blueprint for their life, Brian Mayne’s Goal Mapping system is a blast!.”
Anthony Robbins, Personal Development Expert


Blogger nige said...

What about the idea of forming coaching groups in cafes and pubs to get groups of people together to watch this and to run their mapping and to meet daily weekly monthly to review their plans as they grow, perhaps its possible to form a pilot group in time for this webinar... i shall ask .

6:18 PM  

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