Sunday, January 12, 2020

TLS @ ReRe


The Learning Street @ Recreation Redefined

Saturday January 18th 2020  from 1300 hrs to 1400 hrs

As some of you know, Soul and I formed a Verein called Recreation Redfined in 2017, to offer sport based educational programs for kids aged 2 to 16.... . . It has been growing steadily and runs activities at Amerling Gymnasium in 6th bezirk by U3 Neubaugasse on Saturdays from 11:00 to 14:00

Please come along !8th Jan 2020 from 13:00 to 14:00 to try it out, come earlier if you wish - rsvp here 

Bring an indoor picnic for you and your kids if you like , 

more info :

Recreation Redefined - Redefining Movement for kids... We offer classes and camps for kids and Teens from 2yrs - 16 yrs Amerlingstrasse 6, 1060-W Every Saturday 11am to 2pm.
The Learning Street - nurturing lifelong learning communities along the street 
Vienna Hub - connecting people with passion, across art commerce sport education


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