Thursday, November 28, 2019

Educating young Voters - to Vote

Giving voice to young people. Inspiring and motivating them to vote... Challenging...?

How to get more young people involved in voting? interesting that a financial training program in Wien has won awards for its leader.... perhaps the same for voting education ? Its a cross party thing... educational ... cross gender too.... ? ( are girls under 20 more or less likely to vote than boys ? )
perhaps an open letter to political parties:-

Dear all, 

in the interests of getting more young people to vite, so that evernything changes as in the pictue below, we at The Learning Street would like to invite you to offer some programs of education for young people about your party, and about democracy, and about voting.... to be delivered locally face2face and online

yours sincerely, 
founders and mentors of The Learning Street ....

please note the recent response from a ten year old in Vienna when asked "What do you know about politics":-

1 you can apply for a postal vote
2 you can go and vote in person
3 the pilz party, peter pilz, wants to legalise drugs, its on his sticker
4 i know someone in the neos party.


what role can Grandma play? what are your rights as a migrant, expat, refugee, 
join the group discussion here Vienna Hub Creative Circles Teenage Voting 
connect to Vienna Hub on LinkedIN, on facebook

Nigel Stonham
18 hrs
Mark Moraes updated his cover photo.
"If young people show up to vote, it will change everything." - Rick Mercer.
  • Nigel Stonham How to get more young people involved in voting? interesting that a financial training program in Wien has won awards for its leader.... perhaps the same for voting education ? Its a cross party thing... educational ... cross gender too.... ? ( are girls under 20 more or less likely to vote than boys ? )


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