Saturday, January 11, 2020

TLS - Goal Mapping with Brian Mayne.

The Ten Keys to Happier Living has "have goals to look forward to" as one step. 
Background Image
Working to deliver a 
Webinar in Wien 
for a special group
of Vienna Hub / The Learning Street 
members  in January 2020. 
Goal Mapping with Brian Mayne.

A tailored version of this:-

Hello Vienna

Goal Map your dreams
for 2020 at my special
Family Goal Mapping event!

Family Goal Mapping workshop
My special annual Family Goal Mapping event is one of the highlights of my year. Hundreds of people of all ages and from all walks of life come to this inspirational event.
  • Boost your health and wellbeing
  • Plan for financial freedom
  • Excel within education
  • Find and live your life purpose
  • Propel your career onward and upward
If you’ve goals you want to achieve, changes you want to make, or plans you want to set in motion in 2020, there is no better way to start the year.
So, join me and group of likeminded people on Saturday 18 January 2020. You can attend by yourself, with a friend or with your whole family – everyone is welcome! There’s a discount for teenagers, and kids aged 9–12 are FREE.

With love and light
Brian Mayne signature
Brian Mayne
Creator of Goal Mapping

“When it comes to helping people create a world-class blueprint for their life, Brian Mayne’s Goal Mapping system is a blast!.” Anthony Robbins, Personal Development Expert


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