Monday, January 20, 2020

Education on January 30th

latest information on Eventbrite here ( please register there )
.  . . . . . livestream on facebook at Vienna Hub

Why Education ?
Vienna Hub connects people with passion across art commerce sport and education. So its a main theme. By bringing people with passion together to exchange ideas, conversation and contacts it is expected to create value. As Thomas Power said in 2005 at the launch of Vienna Hub, "if you want to increase Social Capital, just go around and talk to everyone in the room". Well in this room, the focus is on education, so if thats an interest of yours, this could be a great room for you on 30th January ...

future events

Speakers ( approx 4 to 5 pm ) 


Table Hosts approx 3 to 4pm :- ( in addition to speakers ) 

Table booths ( approx 5 to 6 pm ) ( in addition to hosts and speakers )

remote from USA - ( fb chat ) and video 


Goal Mapping Training remote from UK ( Brian )



remote from Sierra Leone - ( fb chat ) and video 

remote from Finland - ( fb chat ) and video 

remote from Nepal/Holland  - ( fb chat ) and video 


Karl  - UpLeveled

Tamara / Manuel / Waltraud / Widad /  
- Cafe DEnglish ( demo ) 

6 German learners, 6 German natives - speedtalking... 
ten minutes partnerspeaking on topic of choice or CV 
-- in target language, got to know your speaking partner
- Cafeteria DEnglish
speedtalking pairwork to get to know colleagues or co-working space associates 
- based on CV XING or LinkedIn profiles


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