Saturday, November 23, 2019

On 17th August I set off from my front door in the Lake District, with a small 30litre rucksack. I'm running solo & unsupported, across Europe and Asia to Mongolia, searching for and telling stories of better ways of living, working and meeting our needs in the climate crisis. These stories are being told on my website HERE .

I have some sponsorship in forms of kit, coaching and ferry transport, but the majority of the trip I am funding myself. I'm staying as low budget as possible, wild camping and trying to spend less than £50/week (proving to be a challenge considering how much I'm now eating!).

This target will hopefully fund my essentials for the first 6 months of what could be an up to two year project!

- £1.50 would give me enough porridge for at least a week
- £3 would get me a cool icecream/hot drink on a boiling/freezing day
- £5 would cover all of my essential camping food for 1 day
- £8 would treat me to a proper hot lunch full of veggies and vitamins on a really hard day
- £18 would get me a night in a hostel or fancy campsite with showers & let me do my laundry (I have never been so smelly)
- £35 would get me an extra long sleep in a proper bed out of the cold, or my essential camping food for a week!


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