Tuesday, November 19, 2019

“praktikum” for job seekers


project overview:-

SMART and Happy Group Interviews - Integration into Austrian job market

3 day “praktikum” for job seekers and IT trainees from SMART Academy…
( Start with IT & Project Management areas, move on to Finance, Sales, Marketing, HR etc )
Visit a host, hear about their company ( 40 minutes ) and do a round of 1:1
speed interviews ( 6 x 10 minutes) with employees…
6 jobseekers, 3-6 employees. ( Or host comes to SMART Academy ) 
Benefits to jobseekers - gain skills and experience, gain confidence, find work.
Benefits to company - spread branding, sight of potential new staff, new ideas 
Benefits to organisers - extend network, create value, placement fees over time...

Company A
Company B
Company C
Coworking space A
Coworking space B 
Coworking space C

Seeking companies, praktikants, coworking spaces, collaborators and participant organisers / facilitators 
... rsvp to nigelstonhamcoaching at gmail dot com 

Marketing and Sales Support at SMART Academy
Founder at The Learning Street, Vienna Hub, Vienna Happiness Project

Pilot - 29.11 @ SMART Academy with ?
Pilot - 22.11 @ SMART Academy with (tbc)
Pilot - 8.11 at Verbund ( photo


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