Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Flow of Happiness

"The Flow of Happiness in Orange", by Petronilla Hohenwarter.
Currently on display at Akrap Finest Coffee, Vienna

"I met Petronilla in 2009, at a time I would say I knew little about art or artists... She asked me what I htought of her art, and after a long long pause I managed to say "it's colourful"

Over 5 years later, having worked with her together on business development,  on many art shows and in travels to many interesting places I am happy to say that I know a lot more about art, about artists and about myself.

I learned that one can sit with a painting for some time, in order to absorb energies from it. I learned that her passion is to raise awareness, and thus her art is in some way a tool in this process, to provike thought and emotion and discussion.  I learned that there are depths to people that are sometimes not visible, and sometimes may never become visible, even to the person. 

Petronilla describes herself as an artist. I picked up on this point and say that art is just one part of what she is... She is a warm, kind and generous person, one that I am happy to call a good friend. And a friend that I am very happy to have a number of pieces of "colourful artwork" from at home."


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