7th October - Nige's Networking Notes
Vienna Hub Social Networking on 7th October
Is there a common theme? What’s the best way to use the event? Can I pitch my elevator to everyone? Is it in English? Whats the format.?
- these are some questions that have arisen, and I will offer some thoughts.
Vienna-Hub is based on bringing creative people together to create value. It’s a chance to make eye contact and press the flesh with people you speak to on the phone or internet. It’s a chance to introduce yourself to others, and introduce others to others. Netweaving in action. Pass it forward. Meet someone, find out there hot buttons, connect to them. Fast and deep. Ask them what their passion is rather than chat about the weather. See their eyes light up when they start talking about collecting goldfish or starting “the next google”. If you “connect” to them, cool. If not, store their info, and perhaps introduce them ( grab them , literally, and say Hey, theres someone here who has 40 goldfish at home/€500m to invest in your project – connect them. It costs you NOTHING )
The common things. Vienna. Expats. English. ( though of course you can speak German or any other language when chatting ) Creativity. Positivism. Optimism. Ideas. Warm hearted generosity. Friendliness……. ( speaking for my friends )Its a social night after all, be social. but dont be afraid to discuss business or passions either. but dont be boring.
As Bill ( Liao, as in Miaow ) said when Vienna-Hub Launched – “if you want to increase the social capital in a room/event, just go round a chat to everyone”. Be bold. Communicate. Talk openly and naturally, from the heart.
Before you go. Check through the list of attendees. (44 definites, 59 maybes ) See who you really want to meet ( pick 3 people you most want to connect to, know why, and do it. Ask me for help on the night – if you cannot find 3 people you really honestly want to say “hi, how can I help you?” to, then please don’t come….) , or pitch your product to. Pre-pitch – either as, I would really like to meet you tomorrow/today, will you be there, I have something of interest for you. Or, I see your interests are like mine, will you be there, can we chat for 5 minutes during the evening.
Here are my 3:- ( if in doubt, on the night I choose the 3 happiest looking people and ask them what their secret of happiness is ? )
https://www.xing.com/profile/Didem_BALIK because we have talked by xing for ages but not met
https://www.xing.com/profile/Serge_Boldyrev we spoke on xing
https://www.xing.com/profile/Elvira_Radomirescu another expat in town, we met here
Also, don’t pitch too hard, or too early. Try the “how can I help you” route, it will work better long term. Connect first from the heart, find out if they need your stuff later. “People buy people”
When you look through the list, see two things. 1. Who else you know might like to meet some of the people coming. And who else might come along in order to meet both you and the other people there. Invite them all, there is space. Expand the group.
Again, Bill said November 8th 2005 – the Chinese see a glass neither as half full or half empty, they see it as an opportunity to fill a glass up. Enjoy the night and enjoy your life :-)