Thursday, October 09, 2008


some years ago, in the days when the comment was flying about about you didnt know if it was a person or a dog you were talking to in the internet i developed a short and succint q&a format to try to help me find out in a short time ( connecting fast and deep ) whether someone would gell with me and my quirky character, or not, so that we could avoid wasting each others time and energies.... most who answered are now firm friends :-) and i am always looking for more of those cos i believe you cannot have enough friends....

here is the q&a, do with it as you wish... ( sending me your answers is a great idea ! )


1 What is your goal at work (ie what does your boss want you to achieve / you if self employed-unemployed)?
2 What are your 3 biggest challenges / problems within this role?
3 What is it worth to overcome them?
4 What are the 3 biggest opportunities facing you in this role?
5 What is your biggest personal fear?
6 What, to you, do you consider personal financial freedom?
7 What would you do tomorrow/next month if you achieved financial freedom
8 What would you do next if you were laid off today? ( tomorrow if self/unemployed )


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