Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Connecting - August

Vienna Hub - Connecting members with passion!                                                            


August 27th 2020 - revised updated and streamlined.

Click the link here and select August 27th sheet, then join a zoom session with the guests speakers as shown, at the time indicated by clicking the zoom link ( Room will close every 12 minutes and reopen fresh for the next slot ) 





August 6th 

1615 - coffee
1630 Nigel & Elsa - with Kevin, Mike,  Vibha, etc
1645 Elsa / Mika - with Kevin,  ,  Vibha, etc
1700 Mike and Angelika - with Kevin,  ,  Vibha, etc
1715 Angelika and Mark - with Kevin, Mike,  Vibha, etc
1730 Close

format, 12 minute sessions with 90 minutes airtime each of 6 people, Q&A from host etc, a chance to present your passion and projects to exchange energy and ideas with others in a snappy speed talkking format. Connections formed enable future conversations at will 


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