Wednesday, January 22, 2020

333 bike racks in Wien

on street parking instead of on pavement , under cover instead of in the rain, every 333 meters so you dont have to walk far after locking up and leaving your rental bike

bike sharing


cheaper faster better than current offers

one possibility, two garden sheds with a graeztl garden between them

tied in with filling empty parking garages with cars so actually creating more spaces on the street than less....
its carzy that for 400 euros you can park a car in one spot for a whole year ? oder . much cheaper than a flat. and a much bigger footprint...

join now, crowdfunding in wien, beyond garage .com to bikeshed dot com..
" lets  meet at (or behind)  the bikeshed.... "

hear about it on stage from J, gotta me material for a laugh or three here ...

like this but under cover ? ( wow,  this is so  simple, why didnt we think of it earlier )

sponsor a space by giving over your garage.
- lets  say you can get ten bikes in to one underground car parking spot, so ten people rent a spot and then take one car parking space on the street from a local who surely then cant complain ?
or you give up your empty garage to someone to get their car off the street, or empty spaces at company car parking lots...
-  or allow people ( local club members ) to park in Lidl carparks over night so that they dont have to drive around for hours seeking a free space causing pollution anger and not being with their kids...


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