Sunday, October 09, 2022

1st Vienna Hub Global Gathering - March 2023


It has been proposed to hold a Global Summit, now Global Gathering, for People with Passion in Vienna March 2023 ( 13th to 17th, with weekend before and after for travel and leisure ) bringing together 43 members from around the world to pair up with 43 here in Vienna for some days of business and social networking, and, we hope, a lot of fun. "Wildest dream", 526 Creative Circles of 12 people take part in 526 cities around the Vienna Hub. 2023 should lay the foundation for follow on events in 2024 and 2025.

Daily themes ... 

Monday - Sports Day ( why sport is important ) 
Tuesday - Agriculture & Forestry Day
Wednesday - Education Day
Thursday - Arts Day
Friday - Commerce Day ( how the sports arts education feed into enhanced commerce, more productivity, greater health ) 

We have formed a small project team to work on this event: It includes Christiana, Albert, George, Rehan, Ronnie, Ronelle  Vibha, Vahid, Bella, Wanjira, Denis, Bruno, Augusta, Neville, and myself - all working to various levels, whilst also working on their own projects and business.

Vienna Hub in Vienna is working on the Agenda below, and people are welcome to take part either remotely or to join in Vienna. Here we are working on "creating the space", of as much value to as many people as possible. Sponsorship for people to join is not our aim, but we aim to make the event worthy of sponsors when you find them, and we will assist where possible. Updates to be found primarily in the facebook group here  . 

Please note, currently we are working on minimal but efficient resource and maximum speedy efficiency, so please be thoughtful with your communication to others. 

kind regards, Nigel

v3.4 of the Agenda here 

v2.0 of flyer draft here 

Friendly Collaboration:- 

Meraki People, AVYapps,  & more 

"What is Vienna Hub" in 29 seconds below!


Blogger nige said...

Albert has offered organisational support now too. We are seeking country representation in Vienna and in country for as many as possible, to have a fun and productive time in Vienna, increasing social capital by going around and "talking to everyone in the room..."

3:43 PM  
Blogger nige said...

Albert being the co-founder of SlumCode in Nairobi and has organised summits for some years

3:43 PM  
Blogger nige said...

Vahid and Vibha in India have kindly offered support also now

8:26 PM  

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