HappyCafe DEnglish BusinessTreff
Cafe DEnglish - "facilitated group tandem" - German speaking practice
Optimally 12 employees of a firm, space in the company cafeteria, and 40 minues of time
Each brings a CV or LinkedIN/XING profile, business card or photo. Sit it in pairs or two rows of 6 in the cafeteria or canteen, one side being native German speakers, and the other being non native German speakers. Each pair spends six minutes chatting, first three minutes being for one asking questions of the other about their life, passion, background, role etc based on the CV, photo or card or other object. Then for the second three minutes, swap over with asking questions of the other.
After six minutes the non natives move down one space for another six minutes. after 36 minutes, take four minutes to cool off and relax before returning to "working as usual" with a better understanding of German, and of 6 colleagues.
and of course, the session has a fantastically friendly facilitator:-

i. Can be in German, or English, or another language to suit, even mixed languages if the purpose is to get to know colleagues and their roles
ii. With a focus on happiness, the conversations can focus on the monthly calandar from action for happiness with a daily activity suggested, and the group can be a different size and with conversations as one or in pairs, fours or as desired.
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