Thursday, May 02, 2024

People with Passion - Alie

 Akon ->Alie -> 

interviewed by Akon 

Alie's story :-


Alie Sidibay

  1st degree connection
Freetown, Western Area, Sierra Leone  Contact info







People with Passion - Salwa


Akon ->Salwa-> 

interviewed by Akon 

Salwa's story :- 







Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Connecting People with Passion 2024

As part of this years focus, on Connecting Africans with Pakistanis  we are building a "virtual water-cooler" or "break room" where people can pop in to get a "virtual drink" or have a pause from their day to day, and to meet other people in passing and perhaps strike up a conversation leading perhaps to  a friendship or a new business aquaintance.

This space extends beyond Africans and Pakistanis to all continents and all nations. Breakout rooms on zoom can be pre booked over time for a chat, after a quick move through the main room. 

Last night, after some technical difficulties which prevented us taking any photos or video, we brought together Akon in Kenya and Salwa in Pakistan. We are hoping this contact will develop. Earlier in the day interestingly we spoke with a Cameroonian in the UK who has good contact with a Pakistani, so we will explore that linkage too. In our experience, the more you ask, the more you find out. 

Information here for the Saturday calls - May 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th 

If all goes well, we shall be zooming around on 25th May at the same time, based in the 8th Na Nang Street Festival in Hernals, with some 90 people chatting in 15 break out rooms.  

Zoom link, click here to join call . Or you can paste this into your browser - 

13:15 Sierra Leone -14:15 Vienna - 15:15 Kenya - 17:15 Pakistan 

(that is 1.15pm SL, 2.15 pm Vienna/CET, 3.15 pm Kenya, 5.15pm PK)

Here is a picture and some more text with numbers to whet your appetites...

broken image

As Thomas Power said at the launch of Vienna Hub in 2005, "...if you want to increase social capital, just go around and talk to everyone in the ( now virtual ) room."

Uzma Hafeez says "I am Uzma Hafeez. I am a Software Engineer, freelancer and Online Teacher. My mission is to empower 1 million people to earn $500 per month using their phones and computers. I believe that people should have the opportunity to take control of their financial futures and earn a fair and sustainable income."

Mohamed Anis says "We are a social impact enterprise re-skilling thousands of refugees into digital professionals... Having scaled from 5 to 1400 over the last 3 years, We are now on a mission to scale to 1 million refugee graduates by 2032.

Vienna Hub has been "connecting People with Passion" since 2005,  and strives to promote great things from those people with passion seeking to commercialise, or merely promote, their activities.

Here is one offering in the education market, , about to hit the market and scale :- 


Here , by comparison , is Mr Happy sharing some words of wisdom 

People with Passion - Denis



Akon ->.Denis ->


interviewed by Akon

Denis's story :-








a baseball team from kenya poses
Sports for Development (SfD) has become an increasingly popular approach to facilitate positive change and support community development. In Kenya, two examples of such projects are the South Rockies Baseball5 Club and the newly established Kakuma Baseball5 Club.
This article was submitted as part of our call for articles on participatory approaches in sport for development. For more information and to find out how to submit, read the call for articles.

The South Rockies Baseball5 Club was founded in 2019 and has already won two national championships in 2020 and 2021, helping to promote participation in sport amongst young people in the Bomet region. On the other hand, the Kakuma Baseball5 Club started in May of 2022, with a focus on engaging children under the age of 15 in the Kakuma Refugee Camp.


Participatory approaches implemented


Both the South Rockies Baseball5 Club and Kakuma Baseball5 Club have implemented participatory approaches in their programmes. The South Rockies Club has been active in organizing local tournaments for their members and involving community members through support initiatives. The Kakuma Baseball5 Club, on the other hand, engages the children actively through interactive training sessions and encourages them to develop their leadership, teamwork and problem-solving skills.


Advantages, challenges and opportunities


One of the advantages of the participatory approach in sports development is that it encourages active involvement and ownership, leading to greater sustainability of the programmes. Additionally, it helps to build positive relationships between community members while developing valuable life skills. However, implementing participatory approaches can have its challenges, such as securing funding and resources, and ensuring that the programmes are designed to meet the specific needs of the target population.


Political and institutional support


Political and institutional actors have an essential role to play in supporting participatory approaches in SfD. One way to encourage this is through the provision of funding and resources to enable sports clubs and organizations to implement their programmes effectively. Similarly, policymakers can create policies that promote the use of participatory approaches in sports development.


Common factors and approaches


Several factors go into optimizing the impact of participatory approaches in SfD. These include the need for community involvement, effective communication and collaboration, strategic partnerships with relevant stakeholders, capacity building and training, and continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the programmes remain effective.


Promoting widespread use of participatory approaches


To promote the more widespread use of participatory approaches in SfD, there needs to be a concerted effort by all stakeholders. This includes policymakers, funding agencies, sports clubs and organizations, and communities. Efforts should be made to raise awareness of the benefits of participatory approaches and encourage collaborative decision-making and ownership within communities and organizations.




Sports development is a critical tool in supporting community development, and participatory approaches are essential in ensuring that its impact is sustainable. The establishment of the Kakuma Baseball5 Club in the refugee camp is a testament to the transformative power of sports development. It is essential for policymakers and funding agencies to prioritize the implementation of participatory approaches to SfD, thereby ensuring the welfare of all involved.

About the author

Denis Mitei is a physical education teacher from Kenya and founder of South Rockies Baseball5 Club.