Tuesday, February 11, 2020


concepting this now -  looking to moce to lean and rapid prototyping...

st!artists - space for art and startups, and to nurture future "!st-art-ists" ( toddlers upwards )

12 artists. one space. white walls..
4 x one week solo show each. ( might start with popup one night stands, it worked for Keith H ! )
4 weeks of group show

12 startups
coworking space, incubator... ( innovation labs, cospaces and TU come to mind )

12 toddlers.
2-3 days per week toddle together...
bonding. understanding. learning ( stick together thru life, move to other group if move location )
in the space, among the arts and starts

monthly one day open open haus with 6-12 artists and 6-12 startups showing their stuff
- this can be prototyped now, soon as we get 12 artists and 12 startups... ( du gu perhaps if kids involved... ? )
- interested to explore this with us ? Here :- VH CC st!artists collective


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