Teaching Teachers?
of English ... ?
What sort of things are of interest to teachers of English in Austria to support their work.. It seems there are two types of teachers, Native English and non Native English... and teachers in schools and teachers not in schools.
How does MELTA support their teaching members. Are those teachers different from Austrian ones?
"MELTA is a regional professional association for all teachers of English working in the Munich area: freelance teachers at companies, private schools and the VHS as well as state school teachers.
E.M. Forster wrote: “Spoon feeding, in the long run, teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.” In this workshop, we will look at different ways to engage the brain, and why we might want to. We will look at practical activities you can do as teachers, and tasks you can take into the classroom. Be prepared to do some yoga - but don't worry, no special clothes required, and you won't be asked to touch your toes!

Emily is a freelance ELT consultant based in York, UK. She has experience of working on six continents with ministries of education, universities, charities and private language schools where she has held positions as teacher, trainer, examiner, and academic manager. Emily’s professional interests include creating materials that encourage critical thinking, and nowadays she also likes to include yoga techniques in her teaching and training. Namaste!
register with elt and for the webinar here
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VH CC t.e.a teachers of english in austria
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